Tiny Thoughts 20231031

Ink and Washi
Don't think. What are the most valuable orderings of these words? These letters? Paragraph after paragraph. Don't think. "Think non-thinking". Poetry? Rain, darkness, early morning, soon to be November, deep secrets flow gently beneath our feet. No, not even poetry. The paper speaks all until the ink sticks and then it's already over. It could've been anything, was everything, now just something. Any decision is a step from infinite possibility to just this, yet just this is all we will ever have.

Currently Reading
Valérie Perrin - Fresh Water for Flowers
Soetsu Yanagi - The Beauty of Everyday Things
Christopher Alexander et al. - A Pattern Language
Jorge Luis Borges - Collected Stories
1980's Soviet Weightlifting Yearbooks

Currently Listening to
Simeon ten Holt - Canto Ostinato
This Heat
Lowercase music from Steve Roden, Bernhard Günter, Miki Yui, Toshiya Tsunoda and more
Xiu Xiu
Morton Feldman

October 31st, 2023
